Early Literacy Multisensory Kits (ELMs)
These kits contain everything you need to teach your child early literacy skills through a multisensory approach. And they are fun!!!!

The Jump Frog, Jump kit includes: 1 Jump Frog, Jump by Robert Kalan; 1 Five Speckled Frogs board book; 1 Five Speckled Frogs CD; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt kit consisting of Five Specked Frogs Lesson Guide, 5 felt frogs, 5 numbers, and one pond with log; 1 frog hand puppet; 1 stuffed fabric log with 5 stuffed fabric frogs, 2 dragonflies, 1 butterfly and 2 ladybugs. This kit sponsored by the Goddard Public Library Board of Directors.
The Llama, Llama Red Pajama kit includes: 1 Llama, Llama Red Pajama book; 1 Llama, Llama Nighty Night book; 1 Llama, Llama Loves to Read book; 1 Llama red pajama stuffed toy; 1 Laurie Berkner Lullabies cd; 1 star projector night light; 1 felt board; 1 felt story containing 6 items. This kit sponsored by the Friends & Foundation of Goddard Public Library.
The Goodnight Moon kit includes: Goodnight Moon book, 1 My World board book, 1 bunny stuffed toy, 1 bunny hand puppet, 1 felt storyboard, 1 felt set with 18 pieces, 1 Songs for Rest cd, 1 Moon Balance activity. This kit sponsored by Pathway Church.

The Nursery Rhyme 2 kit includes: 1 the Real Mother Goose book; 1 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star board book; 9 Nursery Rhyme blocks; 8 nursery rhyme puzzles; 4 finger puppets; 1 50 Nursery Rhyme songs cd; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt story with 16 pieces; 1 talking mother goose plush. This kit sponsored by the Goddard Public Library Board of Directors.

The Nursery Rhyme kit includes: My Very First Mother Goose book; 1 Teddy Bear Teddy Bear book; 1 felt storyboard; 1 puppet cd; 1 felt set containing 5 people 3 animals, 1 chicken, 1 caterpillar, 1 spider and one flower; 1 Mother Goose stuffed figure; 8 Tyme to Rhyme puzzles; 1 three letter words puzzle cards. This kit sponsored by Pathway Church.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar kit includes: 1 hollow cloth apple containing 1 caterpillar, 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 pear, 1 strawberry, and 1 plum; 1 stuffed caterpillar; 1 wooden apple with caterpillar; 1 box of 82 ABC flash cards; 1 flannel StoryBoard; felt story with 14 pieces. This kit sponsored by The Goddard Puppet Ladies.

The Chicka Chicka Boom Boom kit includes: 1 felt coconut tree, 26 felt lower case letters, 26 felt uppercase letters, a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book, 1 My First abc book, 1 felt storyboard, Alphabet flash cards, Go Fish Alphabet game cards, 1 ABC, 123 music cd. This kit sponsored by Pathway Church.

The If You Give a Mouse a Cookie kit includes: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff; Who Ate All the Cookie Dough by Karen Beaumont; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt kit containing 14 items; 1 mouse hand puppet; 1 Matching Game consisting of 72 picture cards with instructions; Counting Cookies Cookie Jar with 11 cookies. This kit sponsored by the Goddard Woman's Club in honor of Betty Shaw's 101st birthday.

The Mouse Paint kit includes: Colors Everywhere book, 1 Mouse Paint Book, 1 felt storyboard, 1 mouse hand puppet, 1 Songs About Colors & Shapes CD, 1 Colors & Shapes Matching Game, 1 felt board story. This kit sponsored by Pathway Church.

The Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? kit includes: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? board book; My Big Animal board book; Brown Bear and Friends cd; 1 bear hand puppet; Eric Carle 4 in a Box Puzzle Set; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt story with 11 items. This kit sponsored by the Friends & Foundation of Goddard Public Library.

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons kit includes:
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons book; Ten Black Dots book; 1 Pete the Cat hand puppet; 1 sensory pillow; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt story with 12 pieces; 1 set of wooden numbers with 13 pieces; 1 set Alphabet Match flash cards with 56 cards' 1 ABCs & 123s cd. - This kit sponsored by Gateway Mortgage - Kelsi Jo Smith.

Dog's Colorful Day kit includes:
1 Dog's Colorful Day book; 1 Angus and the Colorful Day; 1 felt storyboard; 10 felt crayons and 10 felt words; 7 finger puppet animals; 1 felt plastic dog house with 1 stuffed dog, 10 stuffed bones with different textures and colors, 10 rubber bones with different textures and colors; 3 CDs with 100 Sing-Along-Songs for Kids; 1 set of 5 Melissa and Doug Lace and Trace pets. - This kit sponsored by First National Bank of Hutchinson

Shapes kit includes:
Shapes board book; The Shape of Things book; Circle Time Activities cd; 54 Colors & Shapes flash cards; 1 set of 12 matching eggs in yellow carton; 1 wooden color/shape sorting board with 4 each of blue, orange, yellow, pink and green shapes; Red shape bag with 8 bean bag shapes and instructions; 1 felt StoryBoard; 1 felt story with 8 wiggly eyes, 16 small fuzzy balls, 14 white, 14 yellow, 10 dark orange, 12 orange, 13 green, 9 red, 13 blue, 15 purple items - This kit sponsored by Reliance Church

Big Red Barn kit includes:
1 Big Red Barn book; 1 Farm Animals book; 4 hand puppets - Cow, sheep, pig, horse; 1 bucket of Snap-n-Learn Counting Cows - 20 pieces; Farm Animal Counters- 36 pieces; Flannel Story with 24 pieces; 1 felt StoryBoard. - This kit sponsored by Reliance Church

Community Helpers kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: 1 Whose Tools Are These book; 1 Whose Hat is This book; 1 Helpers In Your Neighborhood book; 1 My Neighborhood book; 1 set fun-to-know puzzles with 40 pieces; 1 Doctor, 1 Fireman, 1 Policeman, 1 Construction worker hand puppets; 5 Fisher Price Little People - Policeman, Fireman, Vet, Doctor, Teacher; 1 set Community Helper Flash Cards - 56 cards; 1 Fire Department Felt Story with 50 pieces; 1 Police Department Felt Story with 41 pieces; 1 Felt Storyboard; 1 small booklet with kit contents and extra activities.. - This kit sponsored by Goddard Lion's Club

Space kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: 1 On the Launch Pad book; 1 Mousetronaut book; 1 Little Kids First Big Book of Space book; 1 large solar system felt mat; 30 piece felt story; 1 space nature tube with 11 pieces; 1 Rocket Game with 37 pieces and 1 instruction booklet; 1 box of Magnetic Robots containing 33 pieces. - This kit sponsored by Goddard Lion's Club

Zoo kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: 1 Going to the Zoo book; 1 The View at the Zoo book; 14 plastic animals; 1 Zoo Crew Memory Game with 48 cards and 1 instruction booklet; 1 Zoo On the Loose Game with plastic game board, 48 cards, 5 plush animals and 1 instruction booklet; 1 large felt story mat; 1 zoo felt story with 37 pieces. - This kit sponsored by Goddard Lion's Club

Sport kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: Baseball board book; Little Basketball board book; The Ball Book book; ABCs of Balls book; Sports flash card set with 27 cards; My First Sports Bag with 1 baseball, 1 basketball, 1 football, 1 soccer ball; 1 character stacking game with 12 stacking people, 1 wooden ball and 1 dice; 1 activity booklet. - This kit sponsored in memory of Vicki Kilmer

Art kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: 1 Baby Sees Colors book; 1 I'm Not a Scribble.... book; Anywhere Artist book; 2 mini Etch a Sketch; 1 LCD Writing Board; 1 About Face game with 160 cards; 1 set of pattern blocks with 15 red blocks, 15 yellow blocks, 20 green blocks, 20 purple blocks, 30 blue blocks, 30 brown blocks and 24 pattern cards; 1 activity booklet. - This kit sponsored by by the Goddard Woman's Club in memory of Betty Hixson

Transportation kit includes:
1 clear backpack containing: 1 Look Inside Things That Go book; 1 The Pigeon Loves Things that Go! board book; 1 Things That Go! book; 1 Pete the Cat Go, Pete, Go! book; 72 Mini Motors; 1 Traffic Matching Game with 32 pieces; 1 wooden playset with 6 wooden cars and 9 traffic signs; 1 set of lacing cards with cards and 5 laces; 1 felt story board; 1 felt story with 24 pieces. - This kit sponsored by the Goddard Lion's Club
"We have used the bag and loved it. We really liked the CD and use it during quiet time and transitions. The tree and felt letters have been used for multiple lessons. The kids were much more engaged with the story when we used it to act out. We would like to use it again next year when we don’t have so many restrictions. We came up with a lot more things to do with it."- Jeanne from Kensler Elementary (Chicka Chicka Boom Boom kit)